Celebrate Valentine's Day with Us Feb. 14 & 15th · "Petals & Pour" Candle + Flower Arranging Workshops · Gift Cards Available · Shop Online! Free shipping on orders $65+

GOLD FOIL. Label Upgrade.
$ 3.00
- Amber Watercolor (AMB)
- Amethyst Watercolor (AME)
- Aqua (AQU)
- Black (BLA)
- Champagne (CHA)
- Copper (COP)
- Deep Blue (DBLU)
- Emerald Watercolor (EME)
- Enchanted Rose (EROS)
- Glass Slipper (GSLI)
- Gold (GOL)
- Green (GRE)
- Lapis Watercolor (LAP)
- Lilac (LIL)
- Lily Pad (LPAD)
- Peach Princess (PPRI)
- Pewter (PEW)
- Pink Melon (PMEL)
- Prince Periwinkle (PPER)
- Red (RED)
- Rose Gold (RG)
- Silver (SIL)
- Spring Green (SGRE)
- Summer Rainbow (SRAI)
All candle bar appointments, candlemaking classes, and private parties come with the option to customize your label using one of our standard designs. Choose your own title and subtitle and we will print out your label with your desired customization.
We also offer a selection of labels that can be gold foiled for an additional $3. We have a variety of foil colors available for you to choose from.
* Label options and availability subject to change.